
We host a variety of open to the public and private events in our space as well as off premises.  Dance parties, celebrations, corporate events, workshops, music videos and commercials location.  Through the years we've done it all so whether you'd like to join one of our events or create one of yours, we feature a full spectrum of options ranging from no-frills space rental to a fully catered and coordinated event.


Dance With Me

Sundays at 11:15am

$28 drop in, $100 for one month (4 or 5 classes, no make-ups), $210 for any 10 dance classes

Join us for a unique explorative choreographic journey infused and energized with elements of jazz, modern, and contemporary techniques. No partner needed. Must bring an open mind and a willing heart.

Latin night

Friday, April 11th 8:30 to 10:30pm
Admission $20 single, $30 couple
Cheese and wine bar included

Lights Camera Action

…an event to benefit Rockland Community Against Hunger

Friday and Saturday, May 9th and 10th at 8pm
Join us for our semi-annual event filled with fabulous performances to help raise funds for RCAH and to bring more awareness about just how many of our neighbors are in need of food pantries and meal programs right here in Rockland County. Wine, cheese, and desserts will be a plenty, accompanied by lots of general dancing, raffles, and door prizes. RSVP $50 by April 30th. For more information about RCAH or to get involved, please click here.

Karaoke Night & Dance Party

Admission $20 single, $30 couple
Wine and cheese included

Blue Meadows Getaway


An all-inclusive boutique resort setting for a group of up to eighteen individuals on a beach in Mexico. Daily itinerary is full of optional activities, day trips, private dinner parties, dance and stretch classes, and lots more. Give yourself a well deserved break before the craziness of daily life sweeps you in once again. Please call or e-mail for more information.

Trivia Night & Dance Party

Admission $20 single, $30 couple
Cheese and wine bar included